I owe a big apology to my readers (if I still have any!) because I have deliberately neglected this blog in favour of my other projects.
One of these has been my promise to myself that I wont even begin to read another book until I have finished the first draft of my new novel - TRUST. In fact I've done better than that because I have finished the second draft and reckon it is ready for some critical reading by my usual panel of friends and family. My opinion of it is that it is better than I expected it to be, but may be incomprehensible to anyone else.
Another project had been joining the ranks of members of Youwriteon, by submitting Crocodiles (that novel set in Africa which I had decided I didn't want to self-publish). Actually, the book isn't bad - it got a good review from the Youwriteon - though the fact that they accepted it for their "free" Print On Demand scheme (this means that they don't offer any editorial services) doesn't mean anything other than I was quick and well organised about meeting the submission date in October. I did this by way of an experiment, never having had any experience of POD. I must say they have produced a reasonably nice book from the artwork and layout I submitted. The only down side was that my first personal order of 50 books, whilst being very reasonably priced, didn't arrive before Christmas as promised (contracted, even). I know they will have been rushed off their feet at that time, and probably over-committed themselves, but they have offered me a free slot on their website by way of compensation, so I have to be magnanimous.
My opinion is that POD will certainly work for future books, becausd it takes away none of my freedom but is much cheaper then with a conventional printer. However, I shall also try out LULU, which has been highly recommended.
Do I need another one?
I read in the press that after the success of Marley and Me and several similar books, the next big thing that publishers are looking for are "Animal Memoirs". Now I think to myself that I have lived with many cats in strange situations, and with one in Particular (Tyfoon) for nineteen years through thick and thin - living on a boat, death and disaster etc etc. I had several articles and photographs about Tyfoon (and others) published in Cat Magazines some years ago. So basically I have all the material to write my million copy bestseller this summer, with Tyfoon's help, of course. I emailed several publishers over Christmas with the heading "WOULD YOU LIKE THE OPPORTUNITY TO SELL A MILLION COPIES OF MY NEXT BOOK?" Not surprisingly, only one publisher replied, directing me to the Agents' section in the Writers Handbook (yes, thank you, I have been there, more than once, and do not have enough years left to wade through that process). But of course, I anm not a bit daunted by the prospect of setting it up myself and selling a million copies on my behalf. Just don't say I didn't give you all a chance out there! I'll keep you posted
Meanwhile,if you want to read CROCODILES you can find it on Amazon, suitably discounted, and it should be on my website by the end of the month.
Hi Sylvia, congratulations. You really are amazing. I ordered Echoes and Crocodiles via amazon tonight. I'm hopeless with paypal. Hope you are keeping well? Sounds like you must be from what I've read here. I enjoyed reading The House at Riverton. That was last year. Cheers, Sarah
Hi Sylvia, lovewriting.co.uk is a new area in the lovereading web site for promoting independent authors. If you haven't seen it do have gander.
Hello Sylvia,
That's odd I left two notes here a few days ago. Lovely to hear from you. I have Crocodiles, and Echoes on order from Amazon.
A cruise would be super, more so as you've been grafting away writing. I'm working on a short story. Will put a snippet in the blog.
I was busy making comments in newspapers online about the Gaza situation. That was ghastly and hearbreaking. Shame on the BBC for not broadcasting the DEC appeal. I have Palestinian frends in Gaza. I don't know how they are. No news.
I have a piece in today in my other blog.
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